One-in-ten new cars in Western Europe were electric in 2021

The European car market has surged past expectations in 2021, with millions of new low and zero-carbon vehicles registered across Western Europe, according to the latest Schmidt Automotive Research report.

One in five new vehicles registered in Western Europe this year had plug-in capabilities, marking a boom despite the ongoing chip shortage. Driven by initiatives into decarbonising transport, every tenth new car registered across Western Europe was a battery-electric vehicle (BEV) and the market saw an 80% year-on-year increase, despite the delays caused by the semiconductor shortage.

The report also found that plug-in-hybrid vehicles also encounter a demand boom, with 20% of all new registers in the region – roughly 1.94 million units – featuring plugin technology.

Germany was the largest single market for new electric vehicles, accounting for 31% of all sales, more than double the next highest market, the UK with 13.9%.

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